Pastoral Council
Fr. Kenneth Clem, Pastor
Bob Bezek, Council Chair
PJ Greer, SHS Principal
Sandy Vrbas, Faith Formation
Bob Hayden, Finance Council
Paul Sommer, IT
Michael Stephan, Knights of Columbus
Betty Birzer, Altar Society Guild
Megan Staley, Youth Ministry
Gregory Wellnitz, Parishioner
Katie Bones, Parishioner
Rick Nuckolls, Parishioner
Finance Council
Father Kenneth Clem, Pastor
Bob Hayden, Council Chair
Patrick Greer, SHS Principal
Mike Brown, Parishioner
Dale Hermreck, Parishioner
Jim Huschka, Parishioner
Blake Jorgensen, Parishioner
Rick Nuckolls, Parishioner

Knights of Columbus
The Sacred Heart Knights of Columbus are Catholic men who put their faith into action to defend and protect families. Together, we empower Catholic men to live their faith at home, at work, in our parish, and in our community.
The Sacred Heart council meets on the first Monday of every month. Dinner is at 6:00 p.m. Our business meeting begins with prayer at 6:30 p.m. For more information, contact Grand Knight Craig Evans at 785-248-6207.
Altar Society

All women of Sacred Heart Church are members of the Altar Society Guild and are invited to participate. The mission of the guild is to promote an active spirit of community and spiritual life within the church by supporting our parish priest and focusing on the beautification and maintenance of the altar and the church.  
Our monthly dinner/meeting is typically held on the second Tuesday of each month at PrimeTime Grille at 5:30 p.m.  See the website calendar for any changes. 

For more information, contact the Altar Society officers:
President: Betty Birzer, 785-418-5701
Vice President: Stephanie Orr, 785-218-8810
Treasurer: Teresa McClay, 785-418-0301
Secretary: Maureen Downing, 913-201-3562