Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (CGS) was founded by two Italian laywomen: one a scriptural scholar, the other an expert in Montessori education. Together they conceived of this simple method for sharing the richness of the Catholic Faith with children.
The program is presented in three age-appropriate levels, and includes time in the atrium, which is a quiet environment where children learn through tactile work and contemplation of God. In this peaceful space, they learn about Jesus’s love for them and about the liturgy of His church. Children hear Bible stories and see them acted out with simple materials. They learn songs and prayers, and are encouraged to work quietly with simple, yet meaningful, objects.
We are very blessed to have this program at Sacred Heart. CGS usually isn’t feasible for small parishes like ours, due to the effort it takes to create the atriums and the extensive training required of the catechists.
Catechist: Michelle Stephan
Catechist: Lisa Snow
Catechist: Rosemary Pratt
Substitute: Barbara Rew
Catechist: Angie Cameron
Helper: Katie Sayler
Catechist: Ryan Hahn
This class requires a two-year preparation to receive the Gift of the Holy Spirit in the Sacrament of Confirmation. We will be beginning a new class in September 2025.
Catechist: Megan Staley